Book Request Form

Equipping Pastors Worldwide’s ministry is focused on under-resourced pastors and Bible teachers in the majority world.  Because of high demand for books, we must prioritise only those who currently pastor church or are engaged in teaching at a Bible school, seminary or theological college.  Unfortunately, we are not able to help students directly, but we do aim to help resource college libraries when we can.

Please note: EPW will only consider applications if all information requested below is provided.

Book Request

Your Details


About Your Ministry

2. What is your highest level of education?
3. Which of these roles do you currently have?
Tick all that apply.
Please give specific book titles and authors. This will help us choose books to send you.
How the Lord called you to the role. Has His gifting of you for this task been recognised by any church? Your tasks and responsibilities.
8. My access to the internet is:
9. Which of the following devices do you use for accessing the internet? (Tick all that apply):
Is there anything else you think we should know?

Your Postal Address