• 13 February 2025

Partnering in Prayer & Praise: Malawi and Zambia

EPW Training Classroom

14 Feb Depart UK
17-21 Feb Malawi Training
24-28 Feb Zambia Training
2 Mar Depart Zambia
4 Mar Arrive UK

Today, I will leave for two weeks in southern Africa, the first week in Zomba, Malawi and the second in Kasama, Zambia. This will be to facilitate the second of our six training modules in these two areas.

When I visited in September, I knew you were praying for me. You may remember me sharing about the attempt of the Muslim community to disrupt the training by planting a Muslim man among the delegates to sow discord among them. But the Lord overruled in the most wonderful way and he was silenced, and even stayed to the end of the training.

And then, what a joy it was to hear the men in an extended time of prayer at the end of our week in Zambia, when pastor after pastor prayed prayers of repentance for the way they had previously handled the Word of God so carelessly.

The Lord is doing a wonderful work through our training, and this is why I have titled this letter as “Partnering in Prayer and Praise”. We need your prayers, but I also want to give you reason to praise.

I will be joined on my visit to Malawi by Mike Marsland, a dear brother and Pastor of Christ Church Horizon in Johannesburg. He also heads up a Christian book distribution ministry called “Gospel Hope Foundation”. EPW are in the process of developing a relationship with Gospel Hope whereby they would coordinate training and resource distribution within South Africa and other southern African states on our behalf. In addition to this, Mike’s church have graciously given him 21 days a year to engage in training on our behalf. He will also assist by enlisting other good preachers and teachers from South Africa to train on our behalf.

In Zambia, I will once again be joined in Kasama by Grant Schaeffer, a missionary from South Africa but based in Mbala for the past 20 years. Mbala is on the northern border between Zambia and Tanzania. What a joy it was to train with Grant in September, with someone who is familiar with the language and culture and is able to weave his knowledge of this into the the heart of our training with wisdom, warmth and deep passion.

This morning, while in meditation on God’s Word, the wonder of the benediction at the end of Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth struck me afresh:

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you
all.” (13vs14)

Three words that captured my attention: “grace…love…fellowship”

I’ve heard and read that benediction many times. But this time, I saw afresh the amazing love and grace of the One behind it, a love and grace that draws us into the fellowship with the living God and with one another.

I praise God for His grace and love for you, and for the fellowship that we have with Him, together. And, I praise God for your support for Equipping Pastors Worldwide, as we seek to extend the knowledge of this grace and love, to and through the men we serve. And, I invite you to praise God with me!

And then, please pray that:

  • The training will be delivered in such a way that it will be easily understood.
  • God will give us His Spirit of wisdom to lead, teach and counsel.
  • The effect of training will transform preaching and change lives.
  • We will be kept healthy and safe as we train and travel
  • Our respective families, those of the trainers and the delegates, will be safe from harm, despair or discouragement while we are away from them.

With gratitude to the Lord for you,


“May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”