Malawi, Zambia, Uganda Training
I am sure that you, like me, are often amazed at the timing of the Lord as He speaks to you from His Word. For the last few weeks, I have been devotionally making my way through the book of Acts. This morning, I opened my Bible to the next chapter for meditation, Acts 13, and as I began to read, I couldn’t help but feel so loved by the personal appropriateness of the passage, which is the beginning of Paul’s missionary endeavours.
30 Aug Depart UK
2-6 Sep. Malawi Training
9-13 Sep Zambia Training
16-20 Sep Uganda Training
21-25 Sep South Africa Meetings
26 Sep Arrive UK
Later today, Friday 30 August, I will begin my “missionary endeavours” too. Although I have travelled a few times this year already as Head of Training for EPW, my visits to the field have been more about discerning the work and establishing relationships. This journey is the first in my role where I will be engaged in training men to preach and teach the Bible. I trust that you will understand my sense of vulnerability as I confess to you that it brings with it a certain anxiety.
While reading Acts 13, I was reminded that my appointment to this task, like that of Paul and Barnabas, is of God, and that He who has appointed me shall go before me. But as I go, I want to ask you a very special favour, one that will mean much.
Paul and Barnabas were sent off on the prayer and fasting of the church in Antioch (vs3).
Would you be willing to pray, and perhaps even to set aside a day a week for the next 3 weeks, to fast for me over this time?
Please pray earnestly that:
- I, and those who are training with me, will be enabled and empowered, by God’s Holy Spirit.
- We will be given the wisdom to communicate in a way that is understood in each specific context.
- Nothing will be lost in translation from English to the local languages.
- The pastors being trained will be able to grasp, with growing excitement, the tools we hope to provide to help them to prepare and preach God’s Word.
- My family will be protected, physically and spiritually, each of the 27 days that I am away and that my heart will be protected from doubting God’s faithfulness to guard and keep them.
I am so grateful for you, whether I have met you personally, or whether meeting you is a joy I have yet to experience. Your heart for the work of EPW is an enormous encouragement to me and those I serve alongside, and your commitment to journey with me in prayer is more of a gift than you could possibly imagine.
When the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, he thanked God for them, for their being “partners in the gospel”. You are partners with me, and I thank God for you!
Dave Holdt
EPW Head of Training